
Luis Casasus Latorre PhD
Profesor Titular of Applied Mathematics at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Polytechnic University, de Madrid since 1989. Visiting Professor in France (Lille), Portugal (Oporto), USA (Rutgers), etc.
Member of the Research Group in Biomathematics of Polytechnic University.
Developed mathematical models of tumors with Vanderbilt Univ., USA. Research on biofilms with Complutense University of Madrid.
Research on solution of ordinary differential equations with semi- numerical algorithms.
Present research on nanoparticles in complex media, a European Project

Robert P. Badillo PhD
born in New York City, was awarded, in 1991, a doctorate in philosophy from The American University in Washington, D.C., with a dissertation on Jürgen Habermas. Dr. Badillo has taught philosophy in various universities in the United States, including Fordham University, Villanova University, the University of the District of Columbia. Dr. Badillo also taught philosophy for a number of years at Sacred Heart Philosophical College in Aluva, Kerala, India. His specializations are in the field of metaphysics, philosophical anthropology and ethics. In addition to publishing many articles, and co-editing two volumes titled The Humanization of Social Life (2004), his first book The Emancipative Theory of Jürgen Habermas and Metaphysics (1991) was described by George F. McLean as “marking a new beginning for philosophy.” Currently he is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University

Annalisa Saccà PhD
Dr. Annalisa Saccà, Professor of italian and former Director of the Center for Global Development and the Master in Global Development and Social Justice at St. John's University. She has recently received Federal fundings to develop a BA in Global Development and Sustainibility and is an expert for the Holy See in the CEDAW (Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) and CSW (Committee on the Status of Women) at the UN.

Mar Alvarez Segura MD
Mar Alvarez-Segura, MD, PhD., Director of the Psycho-Ethics Lab in Trauma and Migration, fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry in NYU-Bellevue Hospital. She conducts research and treating those with childhood trauma. She presently works as a Psychiatrist in the Program “Witnesses of Domestic Violence” in Sant Joan De Deu Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. She also works as an Assistant Professor , teaching ”The effects of Transformative Experiences on Personality” at Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona.

Raúl Caulier Cisterna PhD
Raúl Caulier Cisterna was born in Valdivia, Chile in 1984. He received the degree in electrical engineering from Universidad Austral de Chile in 2007, M. Sc degree in multimedia and communications from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2012, and Ph.D degree in multimedia and communications from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Carlos III de Madrid in 2018, Spain, with specialization in bioengineering and biomedical signal processing. From 2009 to 2012, he was with the Department of signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. From 2013 to 2018 he was with the Department of signal Theory and Communications and Telematic and computational system, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Biomedical Imaging Center of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. His research interests include statistical learning methods for signal and image processing, arrhythmia mechanisms, robust signal processing methods for cardiac repolarization, machine learning algorithms, Artificial intelligence and signal processing in neurovascular response and non-invasive Near Infrared Spectroscopy.